Thursday, May 21, 2020


                                                                Globalface Ltd.
                 A Social Community & Affiliate Business (Apps)

Globalface is a Socail and e-Commarce business. - The Community  is a Lergest community,
e-Commarce and Affiliate business In the world.  It's a global Earning Opportunity.

Activities & Work:-

Activities:- Like, comment, share, post, friend request, Friend Accept & Chatting. Business page create, group create etc.

Work:- Products Link Share and post, blog writing, article writing & outsourcing work- Data Entry, CPA , Degital Marketing, Video Creat & Post Sent to gface
Admin (About Globalface) Video Ad veiw & Marketing etc.

Our Service:-
1. Messaging,  Audio Call, Video Call, Life & Live Stream
2. Live: Live TV, Live News, Live Messaging.
3. Online Shopping (Globally Buy & Sell)
4. Multivendor System. (Globally)

Earning Opportunity:-
Types of Income-

1. Affiliation- Free Reffer & Apps Install
2. Affiliate Generation
3. Social Activities - Activities & Work Earning .
4. Activities & Work Earning Generation.
5. Outsourcing Work (Video Creating, CPA Marketing, Digital Marketing, Data Entery etc)

1. Affiliation- Free Refer & Apps Install Income:-
*Reffer Income- First 10 Reffer = 0.25$ 2nd 10 Reffer= 0.30$
3rd 10 Reffer= 0.35$  4th unlimited Reff- 0.40$

2. Reffer Generation-

                             1st Generation= 1:10=10x0.25$        =  2.5$
                             2nd Generation=10:10=100x0.10$       =  10$
                             3rd Generation=100:10=1000x0.05$     =  50$
                             4th Generation=1000:10=10,000x0.02$   =  200$
                             5th Generation=10,000:10=100000x0.00$  = 00000$

3. Social Activities   : -  30 Like= .01$, 10 Comment= .01$, 1F/Request=.01$, F/R/Acce= .01$, 200 Character Chatting/10 Friend- Chat = .05$, 1Post= .01$, 1 Share= 0.1$. Daily Limit = 0.30$ Video Creat Earning -0.10$ (Video time duression 2 minit – 5 minit). Sent to gface 
Admin (About Gface) Video Add veiw Earning, per add =.02$ (5 add veiw*.02=.10$) (Veiw Show time 2 minit), Total daily Limit + 0.50$, Monthly Limit 15$.

4. Activities & Work Earning Generation : -

5. Outsourcing Work : -
Data Entry, CPA Marketing , Digital Marketing etc. (Self Working Performance)

Type of Package:-   
1. Starter Package (Free )

2. Professional Package : - 100$  -  300$   -   500$   -   1000$  -  2000$.

1. Starter Pack Income:-
30 Like= .01$, 10 Comment= .01$, 1F/Request=.01$, F/R/Acce= .01$, 200 Character Chatting/10 Friend- Chat = .05$, 1Post= .01$, 1 Share= 0.1$. Daily Limit = 0.30$ Video Creat Earning -0.10$ (Video time duression 2 minit – 5 minit). Sent to gface
Admin (About Gface) Video Add veiw Earning, per add =.02$ (5 add veiw*.02=.10$) (Veiw Show time 2 minit), Total daily Limit + 0.50$, Monthly Limit 15$.

2. Professional Pack Income :- *Professional package Working Income Limitation - 100$=(Daily-1$ Monthly 30$)   300$=(Daily-1.66$ Monthly-50$)    500$=(Daily-2.66$ Monthly-80$)    1000$=(Daily-5$ Monthly-150$)  2000$=(Daily-8.33$ Monthly-250$)

4. Socail Activities, Outchorching Work & Product Selling Earning Generation:-

NB:- (In Starter ID No Working Earning Generation)

3 Generation Income-

1st Generation 5%
2nd Generation 3%
3rd Generation 1%

### Hourly Attenday Bouness : - Who Can hourly Attendays bitton Click Then he paid To wallet .001$

Product Sell - Unlimited Income -  (Self Performance)

*Payment System- Monthly Payment. Minimum Witdraw- 30$
Payment Option:- For BD prived Bank, Bkash, Rocket, Ok Wallet, Nagod,  For Other Country (Globally) Master Card, Paypal, Online Curency.

                                 ##  Promotional Offer  ##

##Share Profit Partner - (SPP)   

1. Regional Co-ordinator (RC):-5,555$ or offer- 1:10 = 5 Generation
    Only for First 5 Achiver Accepted. Target Time- 2 Month.
    Paid Co-ordinator- 1000$ ID gift. offerAchiver ID- 500$ gift.
    All are Thiland tour Achiver.

2. District Co-ordinator (DC):-3,333$ or offer- 1:10 = 4 Generation
    Only for First 30 Achiver Accepted. Target Time- 45 days.
    Paid Co-ordinator- 500$ ID gift. offerAchiver ID- 300$ gift.

3. Thana Co-ordinator (TC):- 2,222$ or offer- 1:10 = 3 Generation
    Only for First 200 Achiver Accepted. Target Time- 1 Month.
    Paid Co-ordinator- 300$ ID gift. offerAchiver ID- 100$ gift.

4. Unit Co-ordinator:- (UC):- 1,666$ . Paid USPP= 300$ ID gift. offer:- Darjeeling tour.

###Monthly Veraites Product Oction.

### Social Well Fare Foundation: -

All member donation 5% (Monthly Earning Wallet.)

(N:B) - User Family security found - Professional User ID Holder After Death - Given her family security found - This month all member Donation found 50%. With All Income r Running

All Income Detect for Monthly purchase = 20% (Monthly).

All Income Detect for S/C & vat  =  (Monthly) (As per gov. Ruls).

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